Friday, December 30, 2016

Finally back into a groove

I have finally gotten back into a running groove...Holly and I are hitting the streets and getting our miles in. We manage 5 miles every time we get out there. I have a half marathon on Jan 1, 2017.
I will be running the Chilly Willy Half Marathon on Seekonk, Ma. at 10am. I am super excited and nervous all at the same time.

Sunday, December 18, 2016


I run for a lot of reasons, some being physical and some well most being emotional. I love to run and I love the feeling of having accomplished something great than myself when done. I am not the typical thin runner type body structure....I'm fat, there I said it, BUT that being said I can move this large mass for over 13.1 miles, and I do pretty well if I must say so. I will never ever be a size 2, I will never ever weigh 100 lbs and I'm ok with that.I love the looks when people realize that I run half marathons for fun, they can't believe someone my size can actually move this large body for that many this blog post took a turn, sorry. Anywho....
Back to why I run...I run to free myself of the many stresses in my life at this particular time. My dad is dying he is now on end stage dialysis and not doing well, he has a closed head injury and most days doesn't know who I am, and that frankly sucks. Another stress in my life is the ex husband who refuses to move on, he hates that running has given me unknown freedom, it literally saved me after the divorce. He was never a supporter of my running and honestly it is he who said I would never be a real runner, because I was fat, you see in his eyes I was never thin enough, never fast enough, and never good enough to be a runner. Well holy cracker smacks I made him eat crow.... I signed up and finished my first half marathon in 2014 and since have completed 6 more,  also 6 Ragnars, and 1 Ultra Ragnar, a 10 miler, multiple 10k's and 5k's. I have 7 half marathons, one 20 miler, and one full marathon scheduled for 2017...all free by the there is a great local race directer who gives you 2, yes 2 free race entries for volunteering at 1 race...I have signed up to volunteer for 3 races thus getting me 6 free entries into the race series,,,can't beat that.
I have an amazing boyfriend who supports my running as far as knowing that training runs are required and time consuming on the weekends, but never complains when I get up on a Saturday morning to get a 10 mile run in so that I am home and ready to go watch his boys play basketball, football or soccer depending on the time of only wish is that once just once he saw me cross a finish line, that is my wish for Christmas this year and while I know it is one I won't get I still secretly wish or it anyway. So that is why I run, I run because honestly it gets me through another day, especially on days when I think I possibly can't endure one more. I also run because I have an amazing friend who gets up 4 days a week, meets me at the god awful hour of 4am and we put in at minimum of 5 miles every time we run...she is my "beat feet therapy" girl, she holds me accountable on days when I really REALLY don't want to get out of a nice warm bed...did I mention I live in New England and winter has arrived.

Friday, December 16, 2016

-21* windchill = dreadmill

It is absolutely amazing what a run with Holly can do! We started out wanting 5 miles, but to be honest I wanted to quit at mile 2...BUT we knocked out 6 miles!!!
I hate, despise, and dread the treadmill, but it was the only way we were getting our run in as it is -21* with the windchill, so Holly being the voice of reason called gym! I'm glad she did, we got in more miles, talked the entire time and it was free "beat feet therapy" for both of us😀

Saturday, December 10, 2016

West Boylston rail Trail....NOT!!!

We wanted to run the West Boylston rail trail, but it was so icy so we opted for a run around the reservoir. It was a brisk 18* this morning but we all were prepared for this run and were all comfortable and n one suffered frost bite not even me who wore capri running pans.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Hi all, I've been MIA recently because I've been sick. Fever, dizziness, migraines, couldn't stand without being dizzy,there was no way was it safe for me to run.  Finally feeling better,will be back out there Friday morning with my crazy running friend Holly,and on Saturday with 8 women hitting up the local rail trail with breakfast to follow.Running and  breaking bad...actually it is therapy for the week dad is dying and  they are  making me get our there and live,he would  want that. I love my running friends!!!
Always representing even when in recovery mode....

Friday, November 25, 2016


Going to hit the streets for a few miles in the morning going to try this new stuff Tailwinds see how it works for my stomach hopefully everything goes well and I can use it on my half marathon come Sunday.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016


my pup and I hanging out in vintage RunJunkEe gear.

Happy Thanksgiving Eve

Tomorrow is Turkey Day!!! I will go for a training run in the morning while my boyfriend attends his eldest son first Thanksgiving pancake breakfast...he is a freshman! We will all attend the game at 10 am, then on to Bob's house for the main feast with 26 family members and 6 pups. I am responsible for green beans so I found a recipe that seems like a new twist on a plain veggie.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Never miss a Monday!

Managed to get out this morning at 4 am and run 5 miles with my crazy running friend Holly. I love that she holds me accountable and makes me stick to a training schedule. We laugh, we cry, we celebrate, we are each others sounding board, we vent to each other and at the end of 5 miles we are able to take on the day.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

RunJunkEe Ambassador for NH chapter

Here are a few running pictures ti prove I actually run and own RunJunkEe gear:

Why I run...

Running has gotten me through DIVORCE, and the loss of my pups. I love that I get to forget everything and just run. Running for me is a huge part of my coping with divorce and sudden loss.
People run for many different reasons...I run to forget, I run to remember, I run to forgive myself, and I run to get out my aggression and PAIN. Tears and sweat look the same so know one really knows if I'm crying or just sweating.

Anyone else use running as therapy??

I have twins....

So I am a mommy to twins....puppy twins!
A black lab named Bear and his sister Charlotte a yellow Dudley Lab.
Charlotte will be my running buddy come January when she turns 1. She is my active pup, my Bear not so much...his idea of running is chasing an unsuspecting squirrel or a bunny who happens to pop up in front of him,

Anyone run with a pup? I could use some help getting her to run on a leash and feel comfortable while doing so...she is a puller.

Hi from a girl trying to be a RUNNER!

Welcome to my little running page. I am not new to running, been running about 4 years now and sometimes it feels like it my first day all over again. They say it doesn't get easier, you just get stronger...some days I feel like I'm going to die and other days I feel like a could run forever. I will never say I know what I'm doing because honestly, I have no clue, I just lace up and head out the door for a run. I wing it a lot. I have a running friend who keeps me accountable, we run Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 4am. We run no less than 5 miles. I try...I try a lot.

"If you make it to the starting line...YOU CAN CROSS THE FINISH LINE"
"one foot in front of the other"
And ..."no one ever drowned in sweat" are a few of my running phrases to get me through a tough run or race.

On the race schedule for the upcoming future...
Atkinson NH, Jingle Bell Half Marathon on 12/4/16
Chilly Willy Half Marathon 1/1/17
Martha's Vineyard Amity Island 20 miler 2/18/17
Wright's Chicken Farm 5 Miler 3/18/17
Ragnar May 12/13, 2017
More to come....

Please comment, leave feedback and post your own pictures, phrases and encouraging posts...we all need a little inspiration to get through the day, life, a race, or a tough training run.